Helicopter Crash in Midtown Manhattan

2019-11-09T00:18:04-05:00June 10th, 2019|Categories: Emergency Event|Tags: , |0 Comments

Mayor Bill de Blasio holds a press conference with Police Commissioner James O’Neill and Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro after helicopter crashed onto the roof of 787 7th Avenue in Midtown Manhattan.

Mayor Bill de Blasio:
“We had a very strange and a very troubling incident this afternoon here in Manhattan. A helicopter crashed into a building here. I want to say the most important thing first – there is no indication at this time that this was an act of terror and there is no ongoing threat to New York City based on all the information we have right now. I have checked in with the Fire Department, Police Department, and Buildings Department – there is no danger of any kind to New Yorkers at this point. And what I’m going to tell you and what my colleagues are going to tell you is all preliminary information. I’m going to emphasize to everyone, a full investigation is going on but we have only preliminary information at this point in time.

But what we do know is that one person died in this helicopter crash. That person is presumed to be the pilot but we are still waiting for absolute confirmation of that fact. There does not appear to have been any passenger in the helicopter but again we’re waiting for absolute confirmation of that fact. We do not know the cause of this incident. I’m sure you’re going to all want to ask that. We do not know the cause. But again, we have no indication that there was any terror nexus here.

There were no other injuries that we know of at this point in time to anyone in the building or on the ground. And I want to just say, thank God for that. This could have been a much worse incident, and thank God no other people were injured in this absolutely shocking, stunning incident.

I want to lastly say that the first responders performed an extraordinary effort. I want to thank the Fire Department, Police Department, everyone, all – the Buildings Department – all the agencies that responded here – OEM – everybody. This was a very challenging situation. You’re going to from the Commissioner – a fire on the roof that had to be dealt with immediately. The FDNY did an exceptional job in addressing the situation and ensuring that everyone would be safe.”

Photos by Michael Appleton/Mayoral Photography Office.


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